X-cart design serviceThere are various reasons why certain online stores are very good at garnering consumer business. You can attribute some of it to exceptional marketing. However, if you have a great store, many people will patronize it even if you don’t have an established reputation. You’ve likely shopped online at stores that have very little marketing in place, because you needed something or wanted something very much. If you enjoyed your shopping experience, you recommended the store to others or continued to shop there when you could. These stores have several e-commerce design keys to pleasant shopping, and you can incorporate these design keys into your business model:

Real Person/Real Business Contact Information

How many times have you visited a new site and gone straight to the contact page? How many times have you contacted the company with a question, just for reassurance that you are making the right buying decision? An unresponsive email address is not enough anymore for customer service, when your competitor might answer the phone.

Clear Beautiful Photographs

Good photographs are not that hard to come by on a budget. You can hire photography students to take them at a good rate or even people on Craigslist looking to build a portfolio. You can also buy a mini studio for people who sell on eBay and other online venues for a few hundred dollars at a local photography store, and take your photos yourself.

Excellent Product Descriptions

Ensure that you or the writers that you hire, create well-written product descriptions that answer all your shoppers’ questions about a particular item. Product descriptions should also be 200 words or less.

Clearly Stated Policies that Give Your Customers the Advantage

You must offer money back guarantees and liberal return policies. You might even cover shipping on returns. The closer you can come to the return policies your customers will find at Wal-Mart or Target, the sooner they’ll feel comfortable shopping with you on the same level. Do whatever you can to show that you are confident in your product.

Contact us to create your beautiful online storefront today!

To your success!

Anton Pachkine
FinestShops E-Commerce Management
Hosting | Customizations | Design | Marketing
www.finestshops.com | 1-800-675-0162

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