grammarlyI used to send all blog posts for proofreading, but that was too much hassle and took too long, so I stopped. This made posting articles easier but too many errors slipped in and posts looked unprofessional. Recently, someone recommended a service from Grammarly ( I signed for a free trial and was blown away by the quality of real-time check it provided. Even with a free account you get the next level of corrections compared to standard browser or MS Office spell check. I loved it so much I upgraded to a premium version the next day.

Grammarly plugin installs in Windows, MS Word and Chrome browser and will check spelling, punctuation and grammar (if you do not know the difference, you definitely need that service). If you do any writing at all like blog posts, articles, customer service, product descriptions and etc. consider using this service. If you use this link:, you will get a free week of Premium version.

To your success!

Anton Pachkine [ Click here to book a call ]
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