Every business would have a professionally designed website that gets thousands of views and interactions every day in a perfect world. After all, isn’t mass exposure the entire point of making a company blog in the first place? For some people, the web is the greatest invention in the history of humankind because it allows us to communicate with people at an unimaginable scale and from around the world. The catch is that only a tiny percentage of business websites will ever gain thousands of views per day. 

Still, that doesn’t mean a website with low traffic can’t be successful. Honestly, low-traffic websites can also convert visitors into paying customers, but you have to know how to do it correctly. Here’s what we recommend to get you started before you choose conversion rate optimization services.

Simplify the user’s journey

Ideally, people shouldn’t have to interact with the site very much to read the information you want to present. It’s a great business asset to have a website with splash animations and other multimedia goodies like photo sliders or custom CSS coding. But you have to ask yourself this question and answer honestly: do all those bells and whistles help with conversions? Without a doubt, they’re fun to test out, yet you have to know whether or not widgets and pop-up forms will even make an impact.

An easy way to improve conversions for a low-traffic website is to simplify the user’s journey. For example, if you operate a world-class music venue, why should website visitors have to click deep into menus to find out about your latest concerts? Why not place your up-and-coming shows right on the homepage with a clear and prominent call-to-action to click a button and buy tickets? In other words, resist the instinct to overthink your website design because sometimes a simple presentation can convert at a significantly higher rate. 

Start a weekly newsletter

You may not know how effective email marketing can be. It converts at a fantastic rate, but the trick is to entice website visitors to sign-up. While results vary widely, an email marketing campaign can convert more effectively. An eCommerce brand might notice a boost in average cart value because you’ve primed website visitors to purchase more products. Likewise, a hair salon might see more online bookings for premium services, thus increasing sales overall.

Either way, the effectiveness of communicating with people via email is apparent, but the challenge is setting up the automated tools necessary to reach the most consumers. The days of a website converting on its own are long gone because businesses started investing in their online presence decades ago. 

Ultimately, you can use many other tactics to make a low-traffic website convert better, but these two pieces of advice are the quickest low-hanging fruits to pluck.