This is not really an e-commerce tool but I wanted to share this site with you.
Disclaimer – i’m not affiliated with that service in any way, just a happy customer who thinks it’s a great idea extremely well implemented.

We all know how important it is to train your body, but what about your brain? I did not even know it’s possible until I heard about Took me a while to sign up and I was “training” for a week now – I love the idea and implementation and got my whole family hooked on it. Too bad I did not start a month ago, I probably would be much smarter now and would buy shares of Linkedin yesterday instead of just thinking about it (linkedin is up 20% today).

So, check it out, you’ll love it too:

To your success!

Anton Pachkine
FinestShops E-Commerce Management
Hosting | Customizations | Design | Marketing | 1-800-675-0162

Follow me on Twitter and let’s connect in LinkedIn!

P.S. – If you consider upgrading of your Internet store to improve your online sales, you know what to do…