Hosted E-commerce Myths

Hosted E-commerce Myths

What are the Hosted E-commerce Myths? There are many myths attached with hosted e-commerce platforms that often become the reason of businesses settling with the wrong platform. Considering the significance of a hosted ecommerce platform for your business’ visibility and profitability, it is important that businesses know fact from fiction.

If you are also interested in choosing a hosted e-commerce platform for your business, this article will help you debunk 4 of the Hosted E-commerce Mythss associated with such platforms to help you make a more informed decision.

Hosted E-commerce Myths 1: All Hosted E-commerce Platforms Are the Same

This is perhaps the biggest myth that surrounds hosted e-commerce platforms. Many businesses, especially new businesses that are looking for good platforms particularly hesitate about subscribing to one. However, the answer is a simple one, not all the hosted e-commerce platforms are the same. Some offer 24 hour technical support while others do not respond in a timely fashion and some not at all.

Many businesses tend to consider selecting a hosted e-commerce platform solely based on competitive rates since they think every platforms offer the same standard of services. A similar mistake is to choose a platform since it, unlike others, is offering a plethora of features. However, the reality may be different and your business may even not require half of the features offered by the platform.

Overall, considering the abundance of choices you have when it comes to selecting a platform, there is no doubt that you can indeed get confused when it comes to subscribing one. This confusion coupled with your naivety in the field may result in you making a bad decision.

However, not all the platforms are the same and your selection criteria should never solely focus on cheap rates or the abundance of features. Rather, carry out a thorough research and choose the one that best suits your unique business needs. You can also consult Finestshops for obtaining a professional opinion on the features that best suits your needs.

Hosted E-commerce Myths 2: All Hosted E-commerce Are Equally Mobile Friendly

This is another myth that is associated with hosted E-commerce platforms. However, it is not true as not all platforms are equally mobile friendly. Since buyers prefer buying online as it helps them save time and offer them a greater variety, you should look for a platform that offers the best optimization for both mobile and tablet devices. In fact, current studies report that more than 78% of sites are viewed on a mobile device.

Hosted E-commerce Myths 3: All Hosted E-commerce Offer Similar Security Features

No, not all the hosted e-commerce platforms offer similar security features. While some professional platforms like Finestshops offer outstanding security features and reliability some may offer merely average services. Therefore, stay away from assuming that all platforms are equally secure and reliable and opt for the one that offers the best security features for your website.

Hosted E-commerce Myths 4:All Hosted E-commerce Platform Offer Similar Level of Integration

Since your e-commerce website cannot operate in solitude in order to deliver maximum profitability, it needs to be integrated with other systems. However, not all e-commerce platforms offer you a similar level of integration necessary for running your operations smoothly and profitably. Therefore, select the one that offers the highest level of integration your business to increase your revenue.

So, these are some major myths attached with hosted e-commerce platforms. Be aware of fact versus fiction when it comes to this critical decisions for you business. Therefore, make sure that you make no such mistake and choose a platform that is right for your business.



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